qu an t - ph / 9 70 30 23 v 2 1 7 D ec 1 99 7 Non - local two - photon
An experimental demonstration of quantum-correlations is presented. Energy and time entangled photons at wavelengths of 704 and 1310 nm are produced by parametric downconversion in KNbO3 and are sent through optical fibers into a bulk-optical (704 nm) and an all-fiber Michelson-interferometer (1310 nm), respectively. The two interferometers are located 35 meters aside from one another. Using Faraday-mirrors in the fiber-interferometer, all birefrin-gence effects in the fibers are automatically compensated. We obtained two-photon fringe visibilities of up to 95 % from which one can project a violation of Bell's inequality by 8 standard deviations. The good performance and the auto-aligning feature of Faraday-mirror interferometers show their potential for a future test of Bell's inequalities in order to examine quantum-correlations over long distances.
منابع مشابه
X iv : h ep - l at / 9 70 70 24 v 2 2 3 D ec 1 99 8 Fixed point action for the massless lattice Schwinger model ∗
We determine non-perturbatively the fixed-point action for fermions in the two-dimensional U(1) gauge (Schwinger) model. This is done by iterating a block spin transformation in the background of non-compact gauge field configurations sampled according to the (perfect) Gaussian measure. The resulting action has 123 independent couplings , is bilinear in the Grassmann fields, gauge-invariant by ...
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AS TR 6 33 A st ro ph ys ic al T ec hn iq ue s 70 30 6 3. 00 00 1 AC TI VE 0 20 0 0 0 20 0% 0% TB A to T BA lo ca tio n IF A C 22 1 (M ax R m . c ap ac ity 3 0) (I ns tr: J H en ry ) L ec tu re /D ic us si on AS TR 6 99 D ire ct ed R es ea rc h 70 30 7 1. 00 00 1 AC TI VE 0 25 0 0 0 25 0% 0% TB A to T BA lo ca tio n TB A TB A (M ax R m . c ap ac ity 9 99 ) ( In st r: Jo sh ua B ar ne s) D ire c...
متن کاملar X iv : 0 70 7 . 22 15 v 1 [ qu an t - ph ] 1 5 Ju l 2 00 7 Detection of massive multi - particle beams by two - particle ionization
Multi-photon absorption is a well-known phenomenon. With atom lasers a similar process could take place for massive particles, the ionization of an atom or molecule by the successive interaction with various particles. This process would lead to multi-particle detection events for incident multi-particle beams. We show that two-particle detections would introduce a correction (proportional to t...
متن کامل. ge n - ph ] 7 D ec 1 99 9 physics THE UNIVERSE ’ S EVOLUTION
Based on a new theory of causality [1] and its development to the theory of the Universe [2], we show, in this paper, new ideas for building a theory of everything.
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